
Custom Machine Loops 1_20 (CM1)

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Custom Machine Loops 1_20 (CM1)


64 x 1-bar loops at 120bpm as 24-bit/48kHz WAV samples (with Ableton Live 11 warping information included)

You kinda need to hear it to understand it, but it'll be awhile before I have that for you to consume. And it's $5. That said, you need some background to appreciate what this series of packs entails. For some years now, I have collected machine sounds and used them as percussion and so, so much more. Thing is, I like exploring new ways of bending sound even more than making and sharing songs, so I guess you could check out my YouTube channel if you want example of how these loops were derived. At some point, this paragraph will change completely.

If you just want the sounds, here they are, cheap and stuff. If you wait a bit, I also will be offering this entire Volume, consisting of 20 different sample packs, crafted from 20 different machines, then carefully arranged into Ableton Samplers and Instrument Racks that are a lot of freaking fun and might even show you some very fun new ways to use Ableton. I've been a user since Live 6, all of this will be in Live 11 Suite...so if you do not use Ableton, feel free to grab a machine to play with. At some point, part of this paragraph will change.

So what are the loops? They are 1-bar sequences. You can easily add some mechanical flavor to anything with the selection of loops provided, assuming you understand how to get the best out of a sound using effects processing and mixing in general...I mean, it's a difficult promise to make until you make it true, heh. But what I can do with these loops? Off the hook. Eventually this paragraph will change some and videos will be added as demonstration. Until then, I highly recommend stacking them in standard compositional fashion...AAAB or ABAC, just not ABCD, better AEAF-- don't fret if you missed the last one. Turn four of these into one 4-bar sample, consolidate and you will easily have a machine groove. Alternatively, you can use Follow Actions in Ableton to very quickly come up with some long grooves for inspiration.

Or you could just use the very first transient of each and drop them all in a Drum Rack or your non-Ableton equivalent, go wild with your funky robotic junkyard percussion. Again, in time, I will provide this as well, but in a larger package deal. I took very simple sounds and made them much, much more useful. I built these to be in my own live performance kit. My normal habit is to build everything I do from scratch and then start again the next time the same way. It's why they call me Brap, but that's a long story.

This series of sounds and instruments will be what I perform with for the rest of my life, adding to it as inspired. For this reason, all sounds are presented dry, zero effects. Not all sounds are original pitch and some have a bit of filtering, but mostly to make them shine, that's it. All are normalized relative to each other, preserving the natural flow of the machine, if not the natural order of that flow in the least. The normal sound has no music to it. I am providing here things that are in semi-musical state...like building blocks. This is why it's $5 and not $100. The whole package as an Ableton Pack will be $100, whether you bought any of the sample packs it's made from.

I remember years ago, looking around the internet to find 'industrial sounding stuff like machines' and being soooo disappointed, to the point where I just veered in the other direction and collect all of my own sounds. Some of it is foley, some overheard, some from friends, some from magic fairy dust. The goal of this project as to make royalty-free sounds that will behave differently in different hands.

What the heck is up with that name? I could make it blindly just numbers, but instead there's hints at what kind of machine was sampled. This one might be the most obvious, but I still won't kiss and tell. Most in the series would probably surprise the heck out of you-- one of my favorites is an asparagus separator, no lie.

If you do enjoy the sounds, be aware that I have 5 Volumes planned, 100 sample packs in all. Hey, have fun! If you are experimental in nature and know what an Autechre is, DUDE.

I want this!

64 x 1-bar loops at 120bpm as 24-bit/48kHz WAV samples (with Ableton Live 11 warping information included)

31 MB
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